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What explains the delay of the African continent on a world scale?
Is it because we suffered slavery, slave trade, colonization or neocolonialism? Is the stagnant state in which our contains is the result of all these dominations?
Is this a reason to always justify our economic backwardness by pointing others to the must?
We tend to take the example of the powers (Korea, Germany …) that after the Second World War was at the same level of underdevelopment as our countries, which are nowadays managed to develop. Certainly the damage caused by the war has destroyed the infrastructure and buildings but not the mentalities, the system or even less the process that has allowed them to be at the level where they are today, fifty years later.
What we will have to realize is that our continent is in bad shape and what I am convinced of is that nobody will come to take care of it for us.
Dear young people nothing is done at home yet, we have everything to do again. This chain of problems that we encounter in our daily lives is a source of opportunity for a young warned, conscious and enterprising.
It is up to us to find solutions to these problems, that each one in his chosen field proposes a solution to a determined problem of his community.
Remember the words of Aimé CAISAIRE who told us that “every generation has its mission, to her to discover, to perform or to betray”, I think our mission is to fight to get out Africa’s underdevelopment and this economic dependence.
Sankara said that “it is normal for the one who feeds you to dictate to you his law”.
So my dear ones to get out of this dependence, it is time for us to unite on the entrepreneurial level by creating chains of SME / SMI which will constitute our system, which in turn will be able to boost our economy. Be sure that no country has developed without the private sector.
That’s why the ALFI African Leadership Factory Initiative (ALFI) is a leadership center whose mission is to create committed and committed African leaders of tomorrow in the development of their communities through education and training. promoting youth entrepreneurship. Dear young people we have ALFI then dare to undertake, dare to take our destiny in hand and dare the change of our community by initiatives.
Secretary General of ALFI
(African Leaders Initiative Factory)
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1 Comment
that’s great my brother i really love your idea and keep going take care.