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Education for all
why this choice ? The story of which I am telling you and who I am witnessing is a clique of not attending school and how education is neglected by some.
Moustapha ndiaye a young father 36 years old family has never been to school by what comes from a farming family, otherwise it did not bring these 3 children ages between 10.8 and 6 years to do the school because it says the school does not make sense by what one studies to have a job and have work does not only depend on the benches, he continued that the curriculum is too long to send these Now, these children are victims of street children because when all the children in the neighborhood are at school, they walk around the streets and only play.
The general asserts that education is the foundation of everything, so education must be for everyone. Many cities with more children out of school do not receive adequate domestic funding to meet their needs.
First, it is necessary to determine the number of out-of-school children and to help understanding because they are out of school. To participate in political discussions with local officials or to find funding. To raise awareness campaigns to raise parents’ awareness of the problem. the importance and benefits of education. Finally, to find an opportunity for schooling accessible to all.
Each person can take part in this fight by denouncing the children whom she sees in the streets at the moment when the others are in class. Approach also the parents who see in the school a negative place
development is us and together we can act.
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1 Comment
I use to listen to Andre”s show on Saturdays but my interest has since waned. I think this is due in part to Andre always complaining about athlete funding. I do not have any facts to say either yea or nay but I would like to find out what support our Government provides to track and field athletes in comparison to what support the Jamaican Government give to their track and field athletes. We can look at the funding over the last 2 years. Next I would like to compare the performance of our athletes to the Jamaican athletes over this same period of 2 years. I am of the view that although funding is important, I think organization is just as critical. So I wish Andre would do an analysis and then let us know the results. Maybe then he would stop complaining about funding and devote more attention to organization.