African Leaders Factory Initiative (ALFI) is a pan-African organization that produces Emerging Leaders and Social Entrepreneurs equipped & trained to make positive changes in their different communities most importantly vulnerable areas left behind. ALFI is also an active network gathering of committed young people who share a base of values and the desire to look reality in the face to better transform it. This organization also put young people back at the heart of civic life. Its mission is to engage, train, connect the youth and promote its civic participation through an inclusive and impactful program designed with them and for them. Learn, develop and impact. We take the #LEAD2030🌍
ALFI delivers practical courses that will be able to develop youth’s skills, stimulate their creativity, have a deeper sense of entrepreneurship, and take initiative for sustainable development.
We know that real, lasting change requires more than righteous anger—it requires a program, and it requires ordinary people coming together to fight for the issues that matter to them. We believe that by acknowledging and nurturing the inherent power in all of us, we can work toward a more tolerant, just, and fair Africa and across the world.
➡️ We are today more than 5,000 active members across the continent to carry the Senegalese and African progressive project.
To become an African Leaders Factory Ambassador or Volunteer Initiative, you must complete these simple steps below:
→ Join us: ☑️
→ Stay commited with all members: LA GRANDE COALITION ☑️
→ Buy your ALFI Kit’s member and start committed in a local committee near to your area or create one and involve people ☑️
→ Participate in activities where each member of the community will be informed in advance via a newsletter with clear information. Everyone is free to engage and is not judged by his or her origin, religion, gender, social status, or provenance ☑️
→ No particular age is regulated, any man or woman wanting to be part of this community of change Africa on the move and respecting or not his steps is an ambassador. We are the generation of entrepreneurship, civic engagement, and the promotion of gender equality ☑️
Give hundreds of Africans access to education and vocational training through the ALFI Fellowship Program every year.
Produce more than 20,000 ALFI Leaders and Social Entrepreneurs in Africa for community-based sustainable development services by 2030.
Equip children aged from 2 to 10 years with school tools by impacting nearly 200 per year.
ALFI is a strong legacy for the next generation to have access to education, get them involved in their community, allow the African youth to have a voice, and stand up together to build a better, fair, and stronger Africa no matter where they come from, what they look like, what their religion, their gender or their social status.
We believe that anyone who works hard and plays by the rules deserves a fair shot at the African promise.
We believe that no matter our gender, we have the same chance to succeed.
We believe no one can write your story except you, believe it and make it happen.
We believe your voice counts and your action can bring change and deliver human progress.
You can be an ALFI member by joining our network.
Here you can dedicate yourself to fighting for different causes in your community. It is not difficult to be a member, just participate in any of the activities we may have for an African and International Community of sustainable development. Let’s believe it!
For weekly updated news of our Ambassadors and Volunteers all across the World, please subscribe to our newsletter.
We are more than 1.5 billion in Africa, and 65% of the population is really young so it’s important to understand that education is the base of every nation. Unfortunately, more than 55% of the population do not have access to education and are most of the time unemployed.
Ouakam Niayes Bi lot N°188
Box 158 in Dakar, Senegal
Call Number +227711202526
Registered in Senegal: 18932/MINT/DGAT/DLP/DLA-PA/BA